A time of REFRESHING! Yes, I’m excited about my renewed focus, simply because it is truly the year of REFRESHING:
REFRESHING causes you to receive new strength and energy. REFRESHING comes from the presence of the Lord. Everything changes when we are in the presence of the Holy Spirit, restoring us like a cool wind on a hot day. (Acts 3:19)
A total Me:
My Spirit:
Experiencing a refreshing of my spirit with fasting, daily affirmations and praying is pivotal in my daily walk with God. Our spirit requires up-keep, maintenance, monitoring, and discipline in order for God to reveal and show you things to come.
My Soul:
I require refreshing to be intentional with developing all nine (9) fruits of the spirit-Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. This is a lifelong journey to operate in love for all humankind.
My Body:
My health walk has become a crucial part and necessary change in my life. Eating healthy and living well is God’s plan for our lives. His plans has not changed: plans to live an abundant life where you are happy, healthy and whole.
So let’s celebrate and embrace where we are in our lives at this very moment. The world is a much better place because you are anointed and blessed to share with the world the rich, valuable potent resources God has placed within YOU!
Here's to a new, refreshed YOU!